You arrange the childcare yourself with, for example, the daycare center or a childminder of your choice. You can apply for childcare allowance yourself.
You will find registered childcare facilities in the National Register of Childcare (in Dutch).
Childcare allowance
Do you want to be eligible for childcare allowance? Check out the the website Toeslagen (in Dutch) to see if you are entitled to a childcare allowance and apply for it immediately.
How much allowance you receive depends on your situation. For example, how much childcare you think you will need each month. If something changes in your situation, this will also affect the amount of your allowance. Therefore, always report changes, such as in the amount of your income and childcare hours, immediately via Mijn toeslagen on the website Toeslagen or the app Kinderopvangtoeslag (in Dutch). Then you will receive the allowance to which you are entitled. Not too much and not too little.
Offer for toddlers
Are you not entitled to childcare allowance from the Tax Authorities? Then the municipality of Aalsmeer subsidizes toddler arrangements and pre-school education for children aged 2,5 to 4 years.